Lider 87 FM

Grupo usa ‘cabeça’ de Bolsonaro em pelada e é ameaçado de morte

O grupo americano de arte de rua “Indecline”, liderado pelo artista espanhol Eugenio Merino, idealizou o projeto “Freedom Kick” (“Chute para liberdade” em tradução livre) que consistia em usar a cabeça de líderes mundiais “populistas”, como Trump e Putin, para jogar bola. O presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro também foi “homenageado”, e um grupo “pegou o baba” com uma réplica de silicone de sua cabeça em São Paulo. Acontece que, segundo a Folha de S. Paulo, alguns bolsonaristas não gostaram da intervenção e começaram a ameaçar de morte os integrantes do movimento.

O baba em São Paulo reuniu operários e opositores do atual governo brasileiro e foi registrado no Instagram. No final da partida, um dos membros do time entregou a cabeça de Bolsonaro para um cachorro, que saiu curtindo seu novo brinquedo antes de posar para uma foto com toda a equipe.


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Latin America has a history with dictators. In particular, the Fifth Brazilian Republic was known for killing dissidents. And Jair Bolsonaro is known for his masturbatory speeches that outline his wet dreams of reinstating this policy. He is offended by homosexuality, feminism and socialism, but gets a real hard-on with every fantasy of violence against his political opponents. But those opponents aren’t so stiff, and they bring both the joy and movement to their resistance that has made Brazilian’s such as Pele an icon the world over. In soccer, a free kick is a chance to stop play for a moment and redress a foul. In democracy, freedom of speech is the illuminating force that stops tyrants from getting away with murder. Like most muscles, it must be exercised or it will wither away. Despots use fear to keep their populations in line. Activists use joy and humor to keep them engaged. It’s an old game, and the score keeps changing, but we all keep playing. Freedom Kick is a chance for us to reset after years of foul play and unsportsmanlike conduct. Although those with power love to tout politics as a game, for so many the stakes are too high to play around. Football has always been a team effort, involving community and organization, while dictatorship is more of a solo sport. Like they say, there is only one ball. That’s a perfect metaphor for our heads of state. And our job is to kick it mercilessly until we find a way to turn each of our individual efforts into a team victory. INDECLINE x @eugeniomerinoestudio

Uma publicação compartilhada por INDECLINE (@indeclineofficial) em
